An alternative approach to fibre bundles is that one of the $G$-bundles:
Let $M$, $S$ be manifolds. We say $E\stackrel{\pi}{\rightarrow}M$ is a $G$-bundle over $M$ if we can find an open covering $\{U_{\alpha}\}$ for $M$, together with a collection of homeomorphisms (local trivializations)
$$ \phi_{\alpha}: U_{\alpha}\times S\longrightarrow \pi^{-1}(U_{\alpha}) $$such that
for $s\in S$ such that is a diffeomorphism from $S$ to $\pi^{-1}(\{m\})$.
satisfy $g_{\alpha\beta}(m)\in G \subseteq \textrm{Diff}(S)$.
We remark the following observations:
or even by
$$ \lambda(g_{\alpha\beta}(m),s) =g_{\alpha\beta}(m) (s) $$when it does not result in confusion.
such that $\pi \circ \sigma=id_M$ is called a local section of the fibre bundle $E\stackrel{\pi}{\rightarrow} M$. A local section $\sigma$ defined on a trivializing open set $U_{\alpha}$ can be identified with a map
$$ \tilde{\sigma}_{\alpha}:U_{\alpha}\longrightarrow S $$such that $\sigma(x)=\phi_{\alpha}(x,\tilde{\sigma}_{\alpha}(x))$.
The best example for a $G$-bundle is a vector bundle, where $S$ is a vector space $V$ and we take $G=\textrm{GL}(V)$.
Another important case: principal bundles.
Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes